This book is about my own personal experiences on a fruit or
fruitarian diet. In no way do I profess to know which diet or
lifestyle is the ‘best’ for everyone. All I can do is to share my own
experiences and the joy and wonderful health that I have
experienced since adopting a fruit diet.
I have a deep inner belief that a fruit diet has the potential to
bring great health and happiness. So I share my story and some of
my experiences with fruit and the fruit diet, in the hope that if a
fruit diet is for you — you may gain something from this book.
I believe that fruit is a perfect food for humans and whether it
makes up all your diet or just a part of it, I hope that fruit will
bring you many blessings.
Seventeen years ago, I began an adventure that is still exciting
me today and is one from which I continue to learn. In a small
meeting room, above a bar, I attended a talk on “fruitarianism” by
a local author, David Shelley.
I loved his book, and I found the writer to be just as inspiring.
He was bursting with health and enthusiasm; a superb advert for
the fruit diet with a clear, vibrant skin, glowing eyes and a strong
yet lean physique.
By the time I had met Shelley, I was already on a wholefood
vegan diet. After being inspired by Shelley, I started to eat more
and more fruit and less and less cooked fare until after a transition
period of about 18 months, I was on a fruit diet.
The following winter I travelled to the Canary Islands. I was
with other fruit-lovers, and we lived for two months on the tastiest
Oranges, Bananas, and Avocados — all of which grew in splendid
profusion around us.
This venture helped to re-enforce my beliefs in the bounties and
benefits of a diet consisting of fruit alone. For myself, part of the
enjoyment of this lifestyle is trying things out, conducting my
own experiments and having new experiences.
Over the next few years I had some great ventures. One
included going on a 52-day Orange juice mono diet. This period
was full of spiritual and physical highs. My vision also improved
and I found reds and greens taking on an interesting luminosity.
My strength and endurance also increased, even though my
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weight was down by 28 pounds. It was as if previous blockages
had been cleared and any ingested energy could now just flow
through me.
After going through the mono diet, I felt better equipped to
assimilate the goodness from fruit. I found that I ate less than
before and simply felt the fruit was benefiting me so much more.
I also went on two 21-day Grape mono diets. And in 1997, I
fasted every other day for the whole year.
In 1998 I spent 150 days on a Melon mono diet, which was a
time of great joy and wellness, and then in 2001 I went for a full
six months on Melons alone.
I have raised both my children on fruit diets. Both children have
been very happy and healthy on this diet, bright-eyed and
energetic and strong, delights to spend time with. They both are
always kind and respectful to plants and animals and seem to have
a real appreciation of the world about them.
They have had none of the common childhood illnesses despite
close contact with other children suffering from them.
What is so special about the fruit diet?
I have found that once the natural ‘high’ has been experienced,
that beautiful state of unblocked free-flowing energy and the
accompanying positivity that eating fruit brings, there is no desire
to fall. Why go back to anything less than a healthy state?
I often find that people associate fruit diets with denial — a
sackcloth and ashes experience — a negative, denying state. When
the reality I have experienced with a fruit diet is a luxurious,
Edenic and glorious lifestyle bursting with the most intense,
delicious flavours, and coupled with beautiful feelings of
harmony with Nature.
I feel like a princess, with the riches of health all around; the
beautiful fruits and berries being my priceless jewels and
Once you have eaten a perfectly ripe Indian Mango and had its
perfumed juices wash your body or savoured the creamy depths
of a sublime Spanish Cherimoya, there is no going back to baked
beans or sliced white bread — dead and uniform food that always
tastes the same. And yet people ask me, “Don’t you get bored?”
But I think, “Bored? On the foods of Paradise?” And consider
having such a thought to be blasphemous and an insult to the
wonders of Creation. In my experience, even when on long mono
diets of fruit, each day is unique and a revelation of flavours.
Once one ‘tunes in’ and starts hunting them out, one will likely
find many varieties for each fruit. Then within each variety, each
individual fruit has its own nuances of flavour and its own special
characteristics. Each unique fruit will bless the body with its own
special mix of nutrients and will contribute its own specific
energies to our health and well being.
I could live off Charentais Melons, alone, for a while and each
day have a myriad of taste sensations. Then changing to a
different variety of Melon feels like experiencing a whole new
fruit and opens up a whole new possibility of flavours.
I find that when I eat fruits, my tastes seem to refine and I
become more aware of subtle flavours. I appreciate simple
combinations and mono meals. Fruits eaten on their own become
more complex and satisfying in their own right. I have developed
a special relationship with fruit and also with individual fruits. I
have learned which fruits suit me, and I have a real enthusiasm for
learning about all aspects of fruit, including how they grow, their
history and their appearance.
I have also found myself doing what I refer to as ‘fruit gazing’.
Fruit now looks so wonderful to me. A good display being the
best ornamentation. From the vibrant hues on a Mango skin,
changing from red to green to orange, to the deepest red blush of
a fully tree-ripened Apple, fruit visually rewards and pleases me.
When I consume mono-meals, I find that I can really ‘focus in’
on that particular fruit and its energy and flavour. This changes
when lots of foods are mixed together. Mixing foods seems to
cause a loss of the simple uniqueness I experience when eating
singular fruits.
Eating fruit has simplified my life. It has become possible to
live off wild or locally grown foods if I am in the right
environment. I also find that I need few tools to live this way. My
hands are now my primary tools for preparing food, sometimes
assisted by a spoon or knife.
Now that I follow a fruit diet, the only preparation I need before
eating is a little visual or nasal stimulation for my salivary glands.
I find fruit so wonderful that I just think Mother Nature in her
bounties cannot be improved upon. I am now free not only from
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the stove but also from the refrigerator and many kitchen tools. I
can also travel light, especially when I journey through lands
where there are many fruit trees.
Through my experiences, I have gained deep faith in the fruit
diet. However, this diet may not be the best or most appropriate
for everyone. Everybody is unique and special and we have
differing needs at different stages of our lives. We need to listen
to our bodies and see how each food effects us mentally,
spiritually and physically. Mono diets can help show the effect
each fruit has upon our bodies.
When we rely on fruits for nourishment, we make sure to get
the best Melon off the pile and we seek out and are attracted to
the most vital, alive, and nutritious fruits. Food selection becomes
an instinctive thing — each little mark or subtle colouration on a
fruit’s skin tells us something of the secrets within.
I believe if fruit is of excellent quality, it can give us everything
we need to furnish a superbly healthy and happy body.
This journey is a great one. I feel that by taking this route I have
learned so many valuable lessons, and yet I have so much more to
discover. But the most important thing is that living the fruity life
is a really enjoyable experience and a whole lot of fun.
In the following chapters, I hope to share a little